f2pool Mining Pool Registration English Tutorial

1. Browser enter the URL: www.f2pool.com to open, the upper right corner point registration


2. Arrive at the registration page, fill in the user name, email, password, registration verification by, point agree, point submit, registration is complete, reminder: registration information to save.


3. Register for a successful prompt and go to your email address to confirm activation.


4. Go to your mailbox, check the activation email, open it and click the link below to activate it


5. Go to login after successful account registration


6. You will need to receive a verification code via email when you sign up.


7. For security you can bind your cell phone number or double verify.


8. Login successfully to enter the home page, click account settings


9. Enter, set the wallet of coins mined under the name of this miner, what coins are mined, what wallet can be bound, you can set the initial amount of payment, etc.. Set the bitcoin wallet address, set up will send an email to the mailbox, check the mailbox to confirm the email confirmation, after the confirmation of the wallet to take effect, the wallet will take effect within 48 hours after setting up.


10. After the wallet is set up, go to this page and copy the btc mining address and miner name needed to configure the mining machine. Copy the mining address and miner name of the corresponding coin you want to mine.


11. For example, to mine BTC, you can check the operation of the miner on this page after it is set up.

f2pool-Mining-Pool-Registration f2pool-Mining-Pool-Registration f2pool-Mining-Pool-Registration

12. Establish an Observer connection to the mine’s Ops, tap the read-only page (you can only see, not operate), tap Create


13. Select the name of the miner, the type of coin to be mined, select the point of the mining machine to be created (so that the operations and maintenance management can see how the machine is running), and the earnings and payments do not need to be open.


14. Once created, tap Copy, send it to Ops, and once the mining machine is debugged, the pool backend will be able to view the machine’s operation.


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